We are pleased to announce that the CDB Symposium 2016 will be held as follows:
Theme: Size in Development: Growth�C Shape and Allometry
Date: March 28 (Mon.) – 30 (Wed.)�C 2016
Venue: RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB)�C Kobe�C Japan
Deadline: Friday�C December 11�C 2015
Participation fee: FREE (Lunch and Banquet fee required separately - optional)
Lunch: 3�C000 JPY (3 days)
Banquet: 5�C000 JPY (General) / 1�C000 JPY (Student)
http://www.cdb.riken.jp/sympo2016/For the CDB Symposium 2016�C we plan to discuss the question of organismal size control. The size of animals and plants varies greatly among species�C and sometimes within species as well. Despite this variability�C individuals maintain remarkably constant shapes through the poorly understood process of scaling�C and deviations in shape control often lead to pathological conditions. Furthermore�C allometric conversion of organ shapes is a major driver of evolutionary diversification. Recent advances in the study of growth control and morphogen functions�C as well as quantitative approaches of tissue shape control have brought us a fresh opportunity to revisit these long-standing questions.
The program of the 2016 CDB Symposium will feature presentations covering a broad range of topics�C including (1) Growth Control�C (2) Organ Size and Shape�C (3) Scaling and Morphogenesis�C (4) Evolution of Allometry.
We encourage the submission of abstracts for the poster session from many scientists to increase opportunities for lively and informative exchange of views. A small number of poster abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. A limited number of travel fellowships for graduate students and post-docs traveling to Japan will also be available.
We look forward to seeing you in Kobe�C Japan in March 2016.
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB)
CDB Meeting Coordinators
2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi�C Chuo-ku�C Kobe 650-0047�C Japan
TEL:+81-78-306-3010 / FAX:+81-78-306-3090